Are you cut out to pick stocks or should you stick to index funds? Should your first thought be your final thought? Is what to buy > when to sell? All this and more as we go over your questions and comments in today’s monthly mailbag episode!
A few minutes with Rob Daviau in last week's podcast was simply not enough! In today's extended interview, David digs deeper into Daviau's disruptive game design, how he runs his business, and where he finds his inspiration.
What's more exciting than the next hot IPO? The release of the next blockbuster board game, of course! Today we delve deep into David’s greatest obsession and see how his favorite games relate to you as an investor. And we meet Rob Daviau, a true Rule Breaker and designer of Pandemic Legacy Season One, which at least one sources ranks as the highest-rated of all-time.
Today David wants you to stay sharp with these simple life hacks. Tweak your thinking just a bit and soon you will be winning bar bets, giving great toasts, and of course, investing better. Do you have a favorite mental tip or trick? Share it with us on Twitter @RBIPodcast.
In this third installment of RBI's "Great Quotes" series, we're going all Buffett all the time! What is the market really for? Do we need to watch out for "Idiots"? What's the one thing we need to do to become better investors? Find out now from the man who invests like a girl.
Gather around our campfire for some stories about long-term thinking, investing in people, and the biology of business. Also, monkeys!