That's a wrap! 2017 is in the books and we're finishing strong! Once again we'll hit the mailbag, make a resolution, throw down a little poetry, and think about why we play the game. Happy Follydays!
We begin today's show with a review of 5 Stocks To Put Under Your Tree—gifts that keep on giving picked on the podcast this time last year. Then it's back to the future, with analysts Rick Munarriz, Sarah Goddard, and Simon Erickson looking ahead for the most promising trends, sectors, and stocks for the new year.
The Motley Fool's annual Foolanthropy Drive is here, and this year we're partnering with All Hands And Hearts, an organization dedicated to rebuilding homes, schools, and communities in the wake of natural disasters around the world. Co-founder David Campbell joins us to talk about how he paves the way for volunteers to help with maximum impact and minimum bureaucracy.
You can contribute to our Foolanthropy Drive at
Most everyone is looking for gift ideas this time of year, so we’ve brought some of the Fool’s best gift-givers into the studio to share their ideas and advice. From frugal to financially savvy, meaningful to whimsical, we’ve got you covered. And to top it off, David shares his top 5 board-games to wrap and deliver!
To get a limited-edition holiday shave set while supplies last, go to
Back by popular demand, Aaron Bush joins David to dive deeper into Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple, Ethereum, BitConnect, and the Petro. Is this one the future? Is that one a scam? Could Foolcoin be far off? If you can't make heads or tails of the blockchain, this show is for you!