Should you let your winners win or keep your sectors diversified? How much should you spend on investment advice services? Is 50 too late to get your finances in order? All that, and how 'bout a stay-cation on Investor Island? It's mailbag time!
It's officially an annual event: we ask you what you've learned from this podcast, and we amplify! Side A is the greatest hits; Side B is the deep cuts--stories of what you've learned, and that we all can learn as we embrace the future as Foolish investors.
Time to tune up the ol' guitar and take out a harmonica for another round of campfire stories. Interviewing for Jobs, a drink with Wolfe, and breaking the cycle of being raised to be poor. And ooh, look! A shooting star!
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Today we're back to an old format, a new show, borrowed wisdom and some celebration blues. Drop a six-pence in your shoe and let's get Motley!