Another great month in the books! On today's mailbag we hear a lot of love for Coach Reich, we get a little more airtime with our VC side-swami Ollen, and we round it off with some stories that remind us of what is truly important in life.
To be a Rule Breaker investor, you need to think like a venture capitalist. So... what's a venture capitalist? Glad you asked! The Fool's own Ollen Douglass is here to explain what it is, what it does, and how you can dip your toes in the VC pool.
You know that savvy investor we had on the show a few days ago? Turns out he also knows a thing or two about the game of football. Many thanks to Frank Reich for sticking around for an extra chat about his other passion.
You win some, you lose some. But if you turn those wins and losses into something bigger, something inspirational... well then you might just make the world smarter, happier, and richer. As an NFL quarterback and head coach, Frank Reich has won and lost under the brightest of lights, but his story rises well beyond the game of football. In fact, you might be surprised to hear just how much of a Fool he really is!
It's one year since David picked 5 Stocks For America, two years since he picked 5 Stocks That Pass The Snap Test, and three years since he picked 5 Stocks Celebrating the 2018 World Cup. Yep, it's time to check the score and see how the games-in-progress are going!