Here we are at the close of 2021, with the final mailbag of the year. You brought your A-game to our inbox, including game recommendations, contrary opinions, redemption tales, and eureka moments. What better way to celebrate the year that was than to hear your incredible stories?
Last time we played the Market Cap Game Show, Brian Feroldi and Brian Stoffel battled to a tie. Today we finally have a rematch. Which Brian will prevail? Will the sequel be even better than the original? Will there be an unexpected plot twist? Tune in to find out!
Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, Tonys… and of course, Besties. That’s right, it’s time to roll out the red carpet and bring on the celebrity guests! This is the best of 2021 here on the Rule Breaker Investing Podcast.
This year has had its ups and downs. The market has had its ups and downs. The world has had its ups and downs. What’s a Fool to do? Give it up for the ups, of course!
Investing is a game, so in order to beat the market you have to roll some dice, move some pawns, and draw some cards…. Oh, who are we kidding? Let’s just put investing aside for a moment and delve into this year’s holiday playlist of David’s favorite board games!