You know that savvy investor we had on the show a few days ago? Turns out he also knows a thing or two about the game of football. Many thanks to Frank Reich for sticking around for an extra chat about his other passion.
You win some, you lose some. But if you turn those wins and losses into something bigger, something inspirational... well then you might just make the world smarter, happier, and richer. As an NFL quarterback and head coach, Frank Reich has won and lost under the brightest of lights, but his story rises well beyond the game of football. In fact, you might be surprised to hear just how much of a Fool he really is!
It's one year since David picked 5 Stocks For America, two years since he picked 5 Stocks That Pass The Snap Test, and three years since he picked 5 Stocks Celebrating the 2018 World Cup. Yep, it's time to check the score and see how the games-in-progress are going!
June has been a great month on the podcast. In fact it will be a hard month to top! But we can top it off, sure enough, with your top-notch questions, comments, and stories. From market caps to optionality, tune in and pay attention to the scuttlebutt.
Yankees vs. Red Sox... Barcelona vs. Real Madrid... Duke vs. North Carolina... The best rivalries are forged over time through heated competition. Today we give you Aaron Bush vs. Emily Flippen. Will the new format give Emily an edge? Will Aaron break the game again? Will you steal the crown from the comfort of your home? We won't know until we play... The Market Cap Game Show!
With a standing ovation and a few tears in our eyes, we watch the curtain fall on David's 30th and final 5-stock sampler. And as he takes his exit, is it...? Could it be? Is that a bear chasing these companies around? Well that might seem like tragedy today, but Fools know a comedy when we see one! Bravo!
Previous Great Quotes episodes have featured everyone from Shakespeare to Dr. Seuss. But today we're pulling from one of the best contemporary financial writers of our time. So contemporary that he's here with us as a guest on the show! It's best-selling author and forever-Fool, Morgan Housel.
Aaron Bush and Tim Beyers have taken very different paths to become Motley Fool analysts, but now they are the duo who will lead the Rule Breakers team into the future. Today we hear their stories, in their own words. Up and to the right, here we go!
"May you live in interesting times," is said to be an ancient curse. But is it really? Maybe it's just the result of leading a more interesting life. Well, May has been interesting, and the mailbag doesn't disappoint! We have perspectives from all ages, from around the world and even from the future!
High risk? Low risk? MEDIUM risk? What does that even mean, and what the heck is risk anyway? Today, we define risk Foolishly and revisit our risk ratings, a system to quantify the long-term risk your companies may face.
This show from the vaults, recorded in 2015, asserts that you can make good investments the same way you make good radio. And to prove the point, we look at GoPro, Zoe's Kitchen, and... wait, what? Ok, they can't all be winners. But add Intuitive Surgical and Tesla to the mix and, well, you would have been pretty happy with this as a 5+ Stock Sampler!
Imagine: you’ve just stopped doing something that you’ve been doing for a very long time. Something great. Something that in many ways has defined you. But now you’ve stopped. What do you do? What would you do? What would David do?
One thing we've learned over the last year is that a lot of work can be done remotely. Meetings can happen over Zoom. Spare rooms can be turned into offices. But now that the old physical workplaces are starting to reopen, what does work even look like? As an employee? As a business? HR superstars Lee and Kara are here to help us make the best of what's to come.
We love to hear from all our listeners, especially those who are underrepresented in the world of investing and finance. This month we were delighted to hear from more women than usual, and are eager to highlight their contributions.
Plus, we got our first (but hopefully not last) video submission which rounds out the show. See Owen's video mailbag submission on YouTube at:
Today we review 5 Stocks for the Coronavirus, 5 Stocks For The Age of Miracles, and 5 Stocks I Own That You Should Too. Spoiler alert: one of these is not like the others! But do we beat the efficient market? Yes. Indeed we do.
What do golf, the US State Department, and The Motley Fool have in common? We'll find out today as we hear the life and investing stories of Foolish superstars Jason Moser and Matt Argersinger.
It's April! The days are warming, the cherry trees are in peak bloom, and David is back with an A-list of stocks that spell out the 6 traits of a Rule Breaker.
To get 67% off our Rule Breakers service, go to
Here at Fool HQ, the end of March brings cherry blossoms, warm weather, and a mailbag full of wonder and connection. Just starting out? Sharing your passion with your family? Reflecting on life's challenges? Bring it on! This is why we invest.
It's the new and improved Market Cap Game Show, thanks to input from listeners like you! Especially if you are Adam Nelson, who gave us a tip to make the game even better for 2021. Get ready to take on returning stalwart Tim Beyers and new contestant Rick Munarriz for an all new market cap challenge!
Hmmmm, how to celebrate our 300th consecutive weekly show…. Maybe a big party with cameos from past guests, with free punch and balloons for all? Nope, not this time. Instead this: David’s audio-essay looks back and forward. How we make our money. How we treat each other. What we stand for.
If you've been around this podcast for a while, you already know Foolish superstars Emily Flippen and Rick Munarriz. Today we're bringing them back to tell their own stories: the highs and lows, the volatility, and the events that shaped them into the investors they are today.
Today we're adding up the score and closing the books on both 5 More Stocks to Feed the Next Bear and 5 Stocks The World Needs Right Now. Is the bear still hungry? Does the world still need them? Tune in to find out, Fools!
This month's mailbag is a celebration of the power of stories. The great stories. The ones that really matter. So what stands out? Where do you see yourself? What do you admire? And what actions will you take as a result of a great story?
Jim Surowiecki calls it a failed currency. Aaron Bush calls it the ultimate Rule Breaker. Who is right? Could it be both? Let's talk to these two crypto-luminaries and find out!
Some things can and should be forgotten over time. But the best things, the best songs, the best stories... they grow stronger in the retelling. That selfie with Jeff Bezos. Jerry Garcia shaking hands with Seth Godin. Business lessons from... Xena, Warrior Princess? Wait, what? I guess you'll have to just listen.