Ah, the eternal verities! Some things never change. But that doesn't mean we don't need to revisit them from time to time. Whether you've been with us from the beginning or have joined us in the last few years, it's important to review the things that we value most as Rule Breaker Investors.
Stocks Mentioned: GOOG, AMZN, NFLX, HUBS, TSLA, MELI
Host: David Gardner
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Does character always win? In business, investing, and life? What is character anyway? Can we measure it? Manage it? Improve it? These are just a few questions that we address with Dr. Edward Brooks, Executive Director of the Oxford Character Project, as we dive into the long-term benefits of being virtuous.
Host: David Gardner
Guest: Ed Brooks
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Whether your weather is meteorological or astronomical, we're officially in the season of Autumn. In this September mailbag, we're looking at authors, numbers, percentages, baseball, and so much more! Plus, we review and draw to a close yet another 5-stock sampler, these ones indistinguishable from magic. Foolhalla awaits!
Companies Discussed: AAPL, PEGA, NVDA, ASML, RGEN, SEDGHost: David Gardner
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Lots of stock talk today as we play the game that educates, amuses, and enriches us all. And, it's the 25th edition of the show, so we've brought back two returning champions to play against each other and against you, Fool! In the end we're all winners on the Market Cap Game Show.
Host: David Gardner
Guests: Bill Mann, Emily Flippen
Producer: Rick Engdahl
The Motley Fool is here to make you smarter, happier, and richer. Today we're all about the happy! But what does that mean? Is it achievable? Does money help? Author and columnist for The Atlantic, Arthur Brooks, has a new book out, co-written with Oprah Winfrey that puts a scientist's lens on the subject of happiness. Are you ready to Build the Life You Want? No time like the present!
Host: David Gardner
Guest: Arthur Brooks
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Pull out your camp-stool, listen to the sounds of nature, and pack a few Barbies for the kids. It's storytime! Stock stories, that is.
Companies Discussed: HD, XPO, SLB, AAPL, MKC
Host: David Gardner
Guests: Robert Brokamp, Bill Barker, Kirsten Guerra, Mac Greer, Jason Moser
Producer: Rick Engdahl
It's time for our monthly mailbag! That's where we answer all the emails that come from you. That's the rule. But... you know what we do with rules around here, right? As you are no doubt sipping your last beach drink and turning the page to the final chapter of your summer read, we're here to review the fantastic authors we've interviewed over the past weeks and draw investing lessons from their combined wisdom.
Companies Mentioned: TSLA, NFLX, NVDA, DIS
Host: David Gardner
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Perhaps you've traveled from New York to San Francisco. Maybe you've even driven from coast to coast. But have you taken the Lincoln Highway? Today Amor Towles joins us to talk about the voices, the characters, and the adventures from his novel by that name. Also, we get a sneak peak at the soon-to-be-released TV series based on his previous book, A Gentleman in Moscow. Ewan McGregor, a cameo denied, and an exclusive easter egg, just for Fools!
Host: David Gardner
Guest: Amor Towles
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Do you remember when you were in school? Or maybe you have kids there now. That age-old question always comes up in math class: "What am I ever going to use this for?" Well, turns out the answer is "everyday life!" And as this week's author, Jordan Ellenberg, will show you, the power of mathematical thinking can lead you to smarter, happier, and richer outcomes.
Host: David Gardner
Guest: Jordan Ellenberg
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Maybe you built it from scratch. Maybe your grandparents built it. Maybe you inherited it from Logan Roy. In any case, there may come a time when you are ready to sell your business. But how? To whom? Is there an instruction manual? Turns out there is! Selling Without Selling Out is the book you're looking for, and author Sunny Vanderbeck is here to talk you through it. Authors in August continues with this conversation aimed at business owners, venture capitalists, and investors.
Host: David Gardner
Guest: Sunny Vanderbeck
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Do you like to go for walks? Long walks? Neil King went out his front door in Washington DC, and walked all the way to New York City. As described in his book, American Ramble: A Walk of Memory and Renewal, Neil's journey led to beautiful insights on the people, the history, and the landmarks along the way.
Host: David Gardner
Guest: Neil King Jr.
Producer: Rick Engdahl
On this month's mailbag episode we have more financial freedom tips, a shout-out to North Dakota, and a deeper dive into your sleep numbers.
Host: David Gardner
Producer: Heather Horton
Early on, Bitcoin was supposed to be a currency. Is it? Does it matter? James Surowiecki returns to our podcast to review previous predictions of a cryptocurrancy bubble, look at the future of meme stocks, and play a round of the time-honored Foolish game of buy, sell, or hold.
Host: David Gardner
Guest: James Surowiecki
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Are you a business leader looking to persuade your CFO to change course? Are you an entrepreneur looking for an edge? A parent looking for meaningful family connections? Whoever you are, we got ya covered!
Host: David Gardner
Producer: Rick Engdahl
After David recommended Royal Caribbean Cruises as a stock in 2007, he told members to sell it one year later. Should he have? What can we learn? Later, he’s joined by Emily Flippen to help investors get started investing, and then by Robert Brokamp as well to help investors get finished investing. That, and a preview of RBI’s Authors in August at the end!
Host: David Gardner
Guests: Emily Flippen, Robert Brokamp
Producer: Heather Horton
Companies Discussed: PTON, RCL, META, GOOG, AMZN, DIS, MSFT, TSLA, NKE, SPDR 500, VOO, WFC
Sometimes you know the market cap, sometimes you're just guessing. And sometimes you're gaming the game! Just remember, "never get involved in a land war in Asia," and "never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"
Host: David Gardner
Guests: Jim Mueller, Bill Mann
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Did you hear? We're back in a bull market! Not soon enough for these 5-stock samplers to recover, perhaps, but at least they're headed in the right direction. Today we're sending 5 Stocks for America off to Sad Foolhalla, but 5 Stocks, Pursued by a Bear has one more year to pull out a win. It's scorekeeping time, Fools!
Companies Discussed: PTON, TTD, AXON, U, Z, SAM, ETSY, SBUX, TTWO
Host: David Gardner
Guests: Asit Sharma, Nick Sciple
Producer: Rick Engdahl
The AIs are here, the AIs are here! Is it the end of the world? Nah. The end of the World Wide Web? Maybe... Today we discuss the opportunities, the ethics, and the inevitabilities of Artificial Intelligences (there are many) as they reach hockey-stick growth in our tech-driven society.
Companies Mentioned: UBER, GOOG, MSFT, AMZN
Host: David Gardner
Guest: Mahan Tavakoli
Producer: Rick Engdahl
What the heck is a Debt Ceiling anyway? Are we learning the wrong lessons from our government's fiscal policies? Maybe we should just focus on other stuff, like braving the stock market, simplifying life, and polishing up our digital brains. All that and a couple of Hills on this month's mailbag.
Host: David Gardner
Guests: Jeff Fischer, Tom King, Jason Moser, Chris Hill
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Once again it's an old format, a new show, borrowed wisdom and a taste of the Faker-Breaker Blues. Drop a six-pence in your shoe and let's get Motley!
Companies Mentioned: APRN, KR, HELFY
Host: David Gardner
Producer: Rick Engdahl
We don't take breaks with this podcast, so there have been a lot of lessons over the years. That's why, for David's birthday, we ask you to help us distill it all down to the most salient points — the lessons that matter most to you!
Companies Mentioned: CMG, AMZN, MNST
Host: David Gardner
Producer: Rick Engdahl
If you want to earn your jester cap, you'll need to speak the language of Foolish investing. Today we're joined by a ship of top-notch Fools to review some simple and not-so-simple terms that will make you a smarter investor!
Companies Mentioned: BRK.A, BRK.B, BBBY, GOOG, AAPL, SVB, CMG, FTNT, CRWD
Host: David Gardner
Guests: Bill Barker, Jason Moser, Tom King
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Not all advice is excellent, and not all futurists are right. But Kevin Kelly, Founder and Senior Maverick of Wired Magazine, is the exception on both fronts. Today he returns to Rule Breaker Investing to share his optimistic take on the generous nature of the universe and our place in it.
Companies Mentioned: AMZN, IRBT, ATVI, GOOG, BRK
Host: David Gardner
Guest: Kevin Kelly
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Whether you're entering Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere or toasting the Spring in the Northern, it's campfire season. So sit back, warm your hands, and enjoy some stories and lessons from the April mailbag!
Companies Discussed: XPOF, PLNT, LULU
Host: David Gardner
Guests: Sanmeet Deo, Jeff Fischer, Kirsten Guerra
Producer: Rick Engdahl