Should you add a new stock to your portfolio or double down on one of your winners? Why are corporations always the evil villains in the movies? Should your experience as a customer influence your investing decisions? Plus, an optimistic view on the future of Twitter. All this and more as Fools jump in on the May mailbag episode.
Today David looks at 4 potential buyout scenarios, and names 3 stocks in each that—for better or worse—look ripe for the picking. While it's fun to see stocks pop at the news of a buyout, in most cases we'd rather see our businesses continue as independent, pure-play investments.
Kara Chambers and Lee Burbage are “Resources for Humans” here at The Motley Fool. Today David brings them back to the show to discuss some incredibly helpful tools, tips, and techniques you can use to make your workplace culture shine. Thanks to Audible for supporting this episode. Get a free 30 day trial at
Today we present five stocks that are poised to win in the information economy – or as David puts it, the thinking economy. Tomorrow’s leading enterprises must be able to acquire knowledge, apply analytics, and use creativity every day to succeed, and these companies do that in spades!