There are plenty of riches in this month's mailbag, including your thoughts on David's biggest losers, how to score your "Golden Ticket" to FoolFest, and how David switches hats when choosing stocks for Rule Breakers or Stock Advisor. Plus, a lightning round of your picks for "Don't Make Me Think" stocks.
In March of 2008, David had just read a wonderful book on information architecture and website design by Steve Krug, entitled. "Don't Make Me Think." Turning lessons learned about design towards his home turf of investing, this inspired David to publish an essay titled, "Great Stocks Don't Make You Think!" Today we revisit that essay, the lessons learned at the time, and reflect on what we've learned in the years that have passed since.
Last year around this time we released a two-part podcast entitled David's Biggest Losers. Let's make that a tradition here and talk about another half-dozen stocks that have performed poorly over the past 3 years. We don't like to dwell on failure—and indeed can learn a lot more by studying our wins—but it's good to eat some humble pie once in a while and remember that we don't have to win them all to win the game.
Happy New Year! In 2017, as always, we predict that the market will go up. But these great quotes will help you face the coming market, regardless of what it does. And if our prediction is wrong, we'll just "wait for a warm day and shoot off the next one!"