At some point, the market will drop. It always does. Should you worry? Should you care? This month's mailbag will put you at ease. Plus, how raising cattle prepares you for investing (hint: think long-term). All that and more in the much-anticipated April mailbag!
We’re back to the stock-picking well in our ongoing “5 Stocks…” series. Today David dips not only into the Supernova Universe for inspiration, but into his own personal portfolio. Plus, do you remember April the Giraffe? Neither did we. But we do have a review of the 5 Stocks David picked last "APRIL" and there is something uncannily giraffish about their performance!
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Somewhere in the deep and dusty vaults of Fool HQ, lies a treasure trove of audio gold. We sent Producer Mac Greer down to dig out some of the best clips from the old Motley Fool Radio Show archives, uncovering turn-of-the-century interviews with future business leaders and b-list celebrities. Today, we revisit those old clips with fresh insight, as Mac joins David and Tom Gardner for a precarious walk down memory lane.
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Does the company where you work, or in which you're thinking of investing, have a rich culture? A key component is often an "Employee First" mentality, one that celebrates and nurtures people and their humanity. David's semi-annual culture conversation features regular guests Kara Chambers & Lee Burbage joined this week by a chorus of new voices, explaining and answering: "What's Your Motley?"