Happy Shakespeare’s Birthday! On our 102nd Mailbag: Is gold a golden investment? What do ETFs that rebalance get right... and wrong? And do you: Buy Now, and Pay Later? David is joined by fellow Fools Andy Cross and Robert Brokamp to tackle these questions, and more... and producer Rick Engdahl closes it out with a special announcement. It's our April Mailbag! Fool on.
Host: David Gardner
Guests: Andy Cross (8:35), Robert Brokamp (24:24)
Producer: Dez Jones
In the 18th installment of our Great Quotes series, we delve into Shakespeare's "As You Like It," the play that inspired our company's name. David explores five compelling quotes from the Bard's beloved comedy, explaining how they can make us smarter, happier, and richer. Join us as we uncover centuries-old wisdom the play holds for investors.
Host: David Gardner
Producer: Desiree Jones
What makes someone an optimist? How do you embody optimism? Who is on your Mount Rushmore of Optimists? And, should we “gather all the optimists and eat the pessimists”?! Cultivating optimism, with Bill Burke, founder of The Optimism Institute.