Can November really be over already? It's that time again Fools, and you've packed the mailbag full this time. From silly to serious, softballs and hardballs, we're here to answer your questions. Plus, it's time for a final review of 5 Stocks that will Press On (10:59). Will the 5-stock sampler make it to Foolhalla in one piece?
Stocks Discussed: ZBRA, ODFL, CNI, CRUS, ECL
Host: David Gardner
Guests: Andy Cross, Jennifer Gennaro Oxley
Producer: Rick Engdahl
What do you have to be grateful for? That's not a rhetorical question — this is the season for letting people know! Say it out loud! Tweet it! X it! Post it! Or in our case, podcast it! We are truly grateful for you, the Fools around the world who listen, learn, and share with us on this journey of investing, business, and life. Thank you!
Host: David Gardner
Producer: Rick Engdahl
We live in a global society, with global conflicts, aspirations, and opportunities. And so today we're seeking words of wisdom and Foolishness from around the world, finding perspective and a bit of rational optimism for a better future. Progress may not be a straight line, but over time it goes up and to the right!
Companies Mentioned: SBUX, META, TSLA, AAPL, NFLX
Host: David Gardner
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Should the Motley Fool file a class action lawsuit against... class action lawsuits? Why do people think in just two dimensions when our world has three? Can you pronounce the name of your best performing stock properly? It's that time of year again; we're getting petty and pedantic. Ok?
Host: David Garner
Producer: Rick Engdahl
Even if you don't play games, you know what they're about, right? Wars, power, control, money... dudes on a map trying to take over the world! But what if a game was about birds? Butterflies? Mushrooms? Today we talk with Elizabeth Hargrave, one of today's most successful game designers, responsible for the instant-classic, Wingspan. Bringing a feminine aesthetic, along with a formidable business acumen, she is advancing the game industry into the modern era.
Host: David Gardner
Guest: Elizabeth Hargrave
Producer: Rick Engdahl