Is it still September? For this month's sixth show, join our all-star cast as we revisit work-from-home culture, tally up our GKC scores, and celebrate a spiffy stock that spiffy-popped. All that and MUCH more in this month's mailbag.
Purpose, love, integrity... are we talking about wedding vows? No, we're talking about the qualities that make for the most successful business leaders today. Whole Food's John Mackey joins us to talk about the power of Conscious Leadership.
What do you get when you multiply share price times shares outstanding? Yep, it's the market cap! And this is the game show where market cap matters most. Play from home and see if you can beat our contestants, Tim Beyers and Maria Gallagher.
How can a company's culture survive, much less thrive when we're all working from home? Never fear, Lee and Kara are here to share 10 tips on making work work in 2020!
In September of 2015 we offered podcast listeners a free taste of David's stock picks with 5 Stocks for the Next 5 Years. It became the first of many 5-stock samplers, including 5 Great Stocks You've Never Heard Of in 2017. Today we close out those two samplers, tally up the score, and see how much smarter, happier, and richer we are as a result.
Arthur C. Clarke once asserted that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. David Gardner adds that we should probably be investing in that! Today's stock sampler looks at some futuristic technology, but first we review some magical picks from the last two years.