Mark Reagan's mom says that you can make money with your hands, your mind, or your money. We like the sound of that last one especially, so we are here to navigate your questions about crazy valuations, ESG investments, international exposure, and much more.
Sponsor link: Thanks to DataSiteOne from Merrill Corporation for supporting our show. To learn more and sign up for a free demo, go to
3,700,000 square miles, 1.4 billion people, panda bears... China is important! And upon returning from his travels to Hong Kong, Beijing and beyond, David has brought back some souvenirs in the form of investing, business, and life lessons.
After much hullabaloo, Amazon decided to locate its second corporate headquarters in Crystal City, Virginia. But why? Did they just want to be our neighbor? Victor Hoskins, Director of the Arlington Economic Development Leadership Team, is here to tell us how it happened.
Sponsored link: code fool75.
Why is it that some of the best Rule Breaker stocks have "crazy" valuations? Jim Mueller joins us for this mailbag-inspired show that looks back at some of our biggest winners, overlooked by so many investors because they were just "too expensive" by traditional metrics.
Download the FREE guide, “Seven Key Strategies to Grow your Profits” today at
This podcast is 4 years old, and to celebrate, we're re-running this very first episode, still as relevant today as it was back then (well, except for that bit about the pizza).
They're never all winners; they're never all losers. But we always learn something as we look back, measure up and keep score on our 5-Stock Samplers.